Home Gym Equipment

Many of you are maybe working out at home already or are planning to do so. In this article i will cover the benefits of a home gym versus a public gym. I will then go over what I think is necessary inventory in a home gym.

When you look at the benefits of a home gym there is one that is pretty obvious and that is that you can do "what ever" you want. You can workout without a shirt, you can scream, drop your weights and even eat (not recommended) without anyone caring.
Exept for the more obvious ones, a home gym is also much more convenient. You don't have to travel all the way to the gym, and if it is raining you don't have to get all wet (only applies to people without a car).
The third aspect is that you can decide which equipment shall be in the gym. There is also no one who suddenly can cut you off and occupy it.
Last point; it will save you money. A gym membership where i live (Norway) can set you back 1000$ in one year. A home gym can maybe cost you 500$, so you would have saved 500$ already after one year!
1000$ - 500$ = 500$ saved :)

Although a public gym can be cheaper the first months and has more equipment, you can have as good a workout at home as in a public gym. 
Below i have listed what I have in my gym and what I think is necessary.

Dumbbells (Essential)

Dumbbells are essential if you want to train every body part. They are extremely versatile and are not very expensive.

Floor Cushion (Essential)

Floor Cushion is important so you don't damage the floor when dropping the weights. It is also much more comfortable to lie on.

Cardio Equipmment (Essentilal)

cardio equipment include; bike, treadmill, jumprope, stationary bike etc.

Pull-up bar (Essential)

If you want to get those wide cobra lats you need a pull-up bar, there is no substitute.

Bench (optional)

A bench is great if you want to hit various parts of the pec muscles or prefer to sit when performing curls(example) a bench can be great.

Power Rack (optional)

A Power Rack can be great if you want that extra security when performing squats. You can also use it as a pull up bar, which in case you don't need an extra pull up bar.

Thank you for reading :)
