Cant Gain Muscle?

Are you one of those persons who simply cant gain any muscle mass no matter how hard you try? If you combine hardcore training with what I am going to tell you right now, you are going to see results. Results in terms of muscle gain, but also strength gains. So if you want to gain muscle or strength and don't see any results, read this article.

The first thing you have to understand is that you have to work out in order to gain muscle. That might sound very obvious, but it is so important that it is worth mentioning. I just want to note that when I use the term "working out", I mean hardcore training. So hard core that your clothes are drained in sweat.

Now that we got that out of the way, we get to the thing you have to do in order to gain some mass. Remember the advice I am going to share with you might sound simple, but some times the truth is very simple. Like what is (798307x79070+7823740-90231709x2)x0? Well, the answer is 0. See, so simple.

The thing you have to do, to gain muscle and strength is to eat. You have to eat, eat a lot. In order for your body to have the energy and resources to build up you muscles again, it needs access calories. If you don't supply your body with the amount of calories that it needs to build muscle, you are not going to see any progress. The answer is simply; eat more.

Now to how much more to eat. You do not want to eat to much. This would simply lead to unnecessary amounts of fat gain. What you want is simply to give your body those extra calories it needs. That amount depends on the person, but as a rule of thumb you should try to eat 300 calories more than what you need to maintain your weight. So if you need 2500 calories to maintain your weight, you simply have to eat 2800 calories. This is just an example. It is impossible for me to say exactly how much you need, but to get a rough idea, try to find out what your body burns in a day by simply clicking the link below. The link will take you to a calorie calculator where you just type in your body stats and it will then estimate how many calories your body burns in a single day.

Calorie Calculator

Now that you got a rough idea of how much your body burns in one day, simply add 300 calories to that number. If 300 does not work, simply try adding 400 calories. Eating right combined with hard core straining is going to get you results no matter which body type you have. So try to eat enough and see the results coming.

Hope this helped you!

- Sebastian

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