Back Exercises

If you are working out at home and you don't have all those fancy machines, that you really don't need. I am going to show you the two best exercises for your back. Those two exercises that I am going to show you, will build a wide and thick back or strength, if that is what you are aiming for.

The number one exercise for your back is the pull up. The pull up is very easy to perform and can be done almost everywhere. It targets your whole upper back and will therefore give you those cobra lats. Couple this exercise with the bent over rows you will also build thickness, with other words you get the best of both worlds with those two exercises.

The Pull Up

Now, let me explain which muscles the pull up targets and how you should perform it.
If you cant do one singe pull up jet, you can do negatives by stepping on a chair and lowering yourself down (slowly). This way you will gradually build up enough strength to do one pull up.


  • Lats
  • Trapizius
  • Shoulders
  • Abdominals
  • Bicep
  • Forearm
How To Do A Pull Up

Step 1: Grab the bar shoulder with apart

Step 2: Pull yourself up until your upper arm and forearms are 90 degrees.

Step 3: Lower yourself slowly.

There are also some variations you can add to the pull up, including supinated grip (chin up) and if a normal pull up is to easy, you can add weight to make it more of a challenge.

Bent Over Rows

Before I go ahead and talk about how to do a bent over row, I just want to note that you can use dumbbells or a barbell. It is up to you and what you prefer, the results are the same.

  • Lats
  • Trapezius
  • Biceps
How To Do A Bent Over Row

Step 1: Grab a barbell or two dumbbells and bent over almost 90 degrees.

Step 2: Stay in the same position and pull the bar up to your lower chest

Step 3: Lower the bar to the starting position and repeat the movement.

If you use dumbbells, only do one side at a time and put your knees on a bench. This will give you extra support and make it possible to use dumbbells.

Hope This Helped!
