Do you want to add 10 kg rock hard muscle or do you simply want to lose some belly fat. If yes, set it as a goal! Although it sounds easy to simply set a goal for yourself, only 4% of Americans have written goals and you are going to join the 4% TODAY. In this article I am going to show you how to set a goal and achieve it before the deadline. Are you ready?
First off I want to talk about why it is so important to have goals not only in fitness, but also in your life in general.
Think of your goal as a destination you want to arrive at. If you do not have a goal you are just sitting in the plane with no destination in mind and you are just flying around and hoping that you arrive at a nice place. If you on the other hand have a goal, it is like taking off in a plane and going directly to your destination. It may take some time, but you are heading straight to it and you are going to arrive at your desired destination with 100% certainty.
What I wanted to get across, is that you need a goal to know where you want to go and in which direction you should be heading. If you have a goal that you really want to achieve, you are going to achieve your goal and nothing will be able to stop you.
Write It Down
Why does it have to be written down? You have probably heard people say that they want to have a six pack, want to lose fat or double their income.
But it is easy to say, isn't it?
As long as the goal isn't written down, people don't feel any commitment to achieving the goal, and guess what, in the end they don't achieve the goal. You are not going to be one of them.
You are going to write your goal down on a piece of paper and pin it on the wall.
Studies have shown that those who write their goal down, are 400% more likely to achieve their goal.
How To Write A Goal
Now to writing your goal.
What you do is; you start off with "I". Then you write out your goal in present tense as if you have already achieved it. This will make the subconscious mind accept it as a reality and help you achieve your goal.
You goal should also contain a deadline so you know how long time you have on achieving your goal.
If we put everything that I just mentioned together into one goal you should have something like this;
"I have a six pack before Christmas" or "I lost 10 kg fat in 2014"
Realistic Deadline
One thing you have to watch out for when you are setting a deadline is, that it has to be realistic.
If you set a goal that you know you can not achieve before the deadline, the goal will be demotivating instead of motivating. This is not what you want - so be realistic.
To be able to set a deadline, I have given you some rates at which you will be able to lose fat and gain muscle below.
Lose Fat
With a 20% caloric deficit you should be able to burn around 0.5 kg of fat each week. To get a more accurate calculation, please click the link below. The calculator will calculate how much fat you are going to burn each week.
Gain Muscle
If you eat right and work out, you will be able to gain around 0.4 kg of muscle each month. That may not sound like much, but if you keep up the good progress for one year, you will have gained almost 5 kg of muscle. Again this also depends on genetics and if you have trained before etc. To get an estimate of how much muscle you are going to gain in one month, just click the link below.
Achieve Your Goal
Now that you know what you can expect in terms of muscle gains and fat loss and you know how to set up a goal, I suggest that you get a piece of paper and write your number one fitness goal down. The goal that would have the most significant impact on your life, if you were to achieve it in the next 24 hours.
This is going to be your number one goal. Of course you can set many other goals in terms of health, finance or family.
To speed up your process, rewrite your goals everyday. This is going to embed your goal in your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind will now search for possibilities to achieve your goal 24 hours seven days a week, until you achieve your goal. When you finally achieve your goal, you will get an amazing sensation and your self-esteem will increase!
Now get out there and work on achieving your goal!