Run For Fun:)

I recently started running again. Not to lose weight or any of that, but because I found the joy in running again. For many people, running is something they HAVE TO to in  order to obtain a certain goal and therefor look at running as a less pleasant task.

If you read the book "born to run" by McDougall you are going to read about how the human race is born to run and how we are built to run. In early childhood we enjoyed running and found games like tag especially fun.

This joy has then, over the years, disappeared and we have started to dread running more and more.

By focusing on the joy you get out of running and the relaxing effect, you can start to enjoy it again. You don't need all that equipment to run, you can even run barefoot and leave your heart rate monitor at home - it will only stress you.

Run For Fun:)

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