Chewing Gum

I recently came across an article about chewing gum, and I thought the benefits were pretty interesting so i am going to share them with you. I know it is not directly linked to fitness, but as I said i thought it was interesting.
So the first benefit of chewing gum was:

Mental Power Increase - Many studies have shown that chewing chewinggum will improve your memory. That means, next time you are studying for a test - Chew some gum.

The second benefit was stress and tension reduction. Studies have shown that chewing gum can decrese your stress and anxiety.

The third one (and most obvious) is that chewing gum improves your oral health. If you tend to suffer from oral health problems like bad breath or gum infection, chewing gum is for you.

To see two extra benefits and get more info, please check out the article right -> here

Loose Fat, Gain Muscle ;)
